I woke up a couple of nights ago at about 5am, and very soon after my thoughts turned to sound. I mentioned in my last entry that I firmly believe that the sound can make or break a piece of work, in that inconsistencies, or general poor quality can render even the best images and story moot. It was a stretch, but after having spoken to Jenna our producer, we were able to make a purchase and a radio mic/receiver/transmitter pack is on it's way as we speak. I have no clue how it will perform, but I guess that just adds to the experimental nature of this project. Today I'll have one more pre-production meeting with Christoph, our eminent Mädchen für alles, chewing over last minute details for our first prologue, if you like, which will be shot tomorrow on location in Fuschl, hopefully in the midst of a very grey and snowy day. For production value, y'know? Christoph has been a life-saver and a touch of quality so far, helping to tie together my random ideas into a workable fashion. On a side note, a very big thanks to Rudi Cronje for putting us both in touch. Hopefully I will have some on-set/behind the scenes stuff to present very soon, but until then, laters!
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